
enjoy your time…

Time. What is it? If you really want to know, take a selfie and look at it again in 5 years. You’ll know! Time is our worst enemy. You can’t beat it. You can’t avoid it. You can’t reason with it! It’s just there! Ticking away. Each and every second is a second closer to the end. Wow! What to do? To answer this you must first recognize the fact that eventually everything ends! That is in this world! You see,  when you are a firm believer of Jesus Christ and his doctrines, there’s no question of whether or not life is everlasting. Faith. That’s what we have now. Faith. Faith that heals us. Faith that gives us strength. Faith that makes us happy and whole. When looking for answers about life have faith and look to the Bible. Become familiar with it. It will never steer you wrong. As far as taking advice from  friends and family take heed; each of us are like fingerprints, no matter how much we try to make others understand, they don’t. We can’t wear another’s face and be comfortable. We tend to realize that the advice we discern from passages in the Bible are undeniably best for any and every situation. Be that as it may, we still ask for advice like we ask for coffee, light & sweet! The paths of life we choose are no different. We will face challenges on any path we choose. The only difference is whether the path chosen is traveled in faith. As we travel our path in faith every obstacle will fall one by one! It makes no sense for people not to take the time to recognize and enjoy that thing that we all have in common. Life! We have to remember the fact of how precious a gift we have and not belittle our gift. We have a choice. A choice to either honor and enjoy life or just take life for granted. It is said that “time waits for no one”. On the contrary, time is waiting on us all! Waiting for that moment in infinity when it will tick no more! So what’s left? Have faith and enjoy each breath taken the rest of our lives!
Peace and blessings!