So now here I am in the 90’s. Working different jobs throughout that decade. Then it happened. I met my second wife, Lesley. Wow! She was a highly intelligent woman and at first I was intrigued by her gift of gab. When I met her it was about drugs and I should’ve known better, but that’s the madness of addiction. I ended up marrying her (even though the signs “not to”were all over the place!) It was no longer any fun. She was a “crack monster”. No matter how much we did she always wanted more. Even to the point of having sex with random guys for drugs. I ended up running as far away as I could from her. I moved to Dallas with my sister for about 3 years. Being in Dallas was best for me at that time cause I couldn’t cop. So I gained 50 pounds and was clean those few years. I came back to New York and everything was fine. Then my mom took ill. My sister came up and figured that our mom would be better off with her. She also decided to sell the house cause Mom’s had to be cared for. Even though I was talking care of the house my sister felt that our mom didn’t need the stress and the house was sold. So… where to go and what to do. Believe it or not, I ended up living with the woman who introduced me to Lesley. It was nice at first but then the house became a “crack den”. The house was raided a few months later and I ended up spending the night in jail! Six months of my life was spent living homeless. Finally, I could take no more. I called my brother who was living in Staten Island. He came out to Queens and took me to live with him. At the time my weight was down to about 170lbs! This was 2007. The only place I could go from there was up. I prayed and prayed for God to give me strength to stop getting high. After I went out to S.I. I got high no more. I got a job on the night crew at Lowe’s and would probably still be there if it weren’t for being diagnosed with cancer. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I could write a book about those “get high” years. I’m just so thankful to God for getting me through. I can write about these things cause that is no longer who or what I am. My past experiences makes me who I am today. There is no luck in the world, only blessings. God has found it in His infinite wisdom to bless me. Thank you Jesus! There is so much more to this story. In this format I would probably have to blog every day for at least a year to tell the whole story. Who knows, maybe I have a book in me! Peace and blessings!
Revelations Continues!
Posted on October 6, 2017 by Michael