I got an idea! How about having boxing matches instead of war! That way our children don’t have to die needlessly for political pride. Just imagine President Chump in the ring against Putin or Kim Jong-un. Wow! I know one thing for sure… America would lose. I mean, just look at who represents the U.S. Donald Chump. The original poster child for Coppertone Tan! And secondly, where to find a pair of boxing gloves to fit those tiny excuses for human hands! Maybe the Donald’s hands are special and have “Kung Fu Grip” like G.I. Joe from the past! Anyway, just wishful thinking on my part. We are in for one helluva ride with that nitwit at the helm. When you don’t even know that you’re the President of the “U.S.” Virgin Islands, it shows how much of a politician you aren’t. Something is about to happen. Something that will change the way of life here in America. I’m not clairvoyant or anything of the sort. It’s just a feeling that I think the majority of citizens here in this country are sensing. We have a bona fide racist as our president. At least the former presidents that were racist tried to keep it hidden. This guy throws it in our faces! Wars and rumors of wars. The Bible is unfolding in front of us. Some say that we are in the “last days”. I don’t know if that’s the case. All I do know is that for the last few years, God is my constant companion. With the Lord at my side there are no worries. No matter what happens in the world I am safe and secure through my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. There will be more and more Las Vegas type incidents. It’s all part of the plan that is unfolding before us. These “incidents” are geared for several outcomes. Martial Law. One worldwide government. One worldwide religion. And last but not least, one worldwide monetary system. Watch out! Peace and blessings!