
Learn to Disconnect!

What I’m referring to is how anyone can make life so much easier for themselves by learning to disconnect from the nonsense of everyday life. This is easier said than done for we all were raised being judges, prosecutors and juries. If you take the time to observe how children play and interact with one another, you would see how we as adults should be. There’s no judgement among young children. They don’t worry about who they’re playing with, they just want to play! The pre-school and kindergarteners are not yet tainted. They have not yet been taught how to hate and judge. That’s right, the prejudices and judgements that prevail in our world today have to be learned. Racists (of every color) start teaching their children to hate and judge at an early age. Wow! Is it even possible to imagine a world without hate? It would most likely be a nice place to visit and you would want to live there! What I’ve noticed about the younger generations of today is that most of them have a sense of entitlement. And this air of entitlement permeates throughout the world. Selfies. This word had no meaning when I grew up. (they don’t call me “old school” for nothing!) It’s all about them. Being so self centered the slightest bump in the road of life throws them off. There is no resiliency among most youth of today. They must learn how to step back from any situation and disconnect! When I use the term disconnect  I am referring to is how not to let whatever is happening around you or to you influence your judgement or your actions. An extreme example of disconnecting is Michael Jordan hitting a game winning basket. Even though there is craziness going on all around him, (fans screaming, defensive pressure, etc.) he does not let it bother him. In his mind’s eye, he is alone taking a shot that he’s taken thousands of times. He hears no screaming fans, feels no defensive pressure… he disconnects! With my diagnosis, I have no choice. Learning this was imperative for me. I cannot afford to have hate and judgement and prejudice in my life. My general health and well being depends upon me being able to disconnect! This world is not perfect. But this is the only world we have! We are killing this world in spite of ourselves. The small group that runs this world and pulls all the strings have an agenda. This agenda is satanic. Read your Bible. Stay strong and keep the faith! Peace and blessings!