This is the last day of 2017 so it seems to me that I will be around in 2018! I cannot take credit for this monumental event in my life. All the credit goes to God. My mom always told me “God helps those who helps themselves”. So I do everything possible that will help me with this terminal disease. I’ve been reading different books on the subject of cancer and in 2018 I intend to share that knowledge with people who are diagnosed with the same. From what I’ve read so far it seems to me that there are natural therapies for treatment and even cures for cancer. But here in the so-called “land of the free” they are not allowed. Why is this? Money! Here’s a fact for you… there are more people working and making money in the cancer industry than there are people dying with this malady. This billion dollar money-making machine could actually be wiped out overnight with a cure from nature. Why? Because the big drug companies cannot profit from anything natural. You can’t put a patent on nature! So I will keep on fighting. Sooner or later my Doctor will understand. My battle is already won! My faith is unbending! I’m in His Hands! Peace and blessings! (Wrote this & forgot to post!)
Moving Foward!
Posted on January 7, 2018 by Michael