So another year begins! Well… if you know anything about me, each day is a milestone. There are people diagnosed with cancer who suffer every day! I don’t consider myself lucky when it comes to this fact. I am blessed to experience no pain during this journey. To take credit for God’s work is asinine! The only way I’m still here is because of Him! I fight hard for every breath taken. No longer is any aspect of my life taken for granted. When balancing on the edge of infinity you must be sure-footed. Time management is essential to living with cancer. That means to plan ahead but not too far ahead.(lol)Nobody knows when their last hour starts. But when you are diagnosed with cancer, your time is supposedly brief. I really feel that God has plans for me. So I make sure to live whatever time is left on my clock with verve and gusto! There are many bad things happening in the world today. We have to be diligent in faith. You can easily be led astray in this day and age. Put down that cell phone for a minute and have a real interaction with another human being. You might be pleasantly surprised. Stand up for freedom! Peace and blessings!
Where I Am!
Posted on January 12, 2018 by Michael