Well, here it is… another year! First and foremost on my mind is to thank God for carrying me another year of my journey! Faith is extremely important when it comes to healing! I cannot even begin to imagine where I’d be without it! I’m not talking about lukewarm faith either, I’m talking about the kind of faith that people diagnosed with cancer have! And if you’re not a believer, you have to have faith in something to help you through. No matter what you’re going through you must fight for each and every breath… each and every second… each and every day! Realize this fact… every person will face infinity one day. We, who are diagnosed with the so-called terminal diseases are balancing on a precipice… the “precipice of infinity” so to speak. That is when, if you are smart, you will learn to take life to a new level of enjoyment. I live an ironic life now. Never would I believe anyone telling me that being diagnosed with cancer changed their life for the better! Wow! It has for me! My next blog will be my 50th! Will no longer number them for I intend to talk about my life and how I live it! Peace and blessings!
A New Year!
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Michael