
Close Call!

So here it is February 1st and I decide to ride my bike to the city. I had intended to do a lot more riding this month for I only did around 65 miles in January. The weather is optimum for it is chilly (38 degrees) but no wind. So I gear up and start my ride down Queens Blvd. The sun is out and it is a beautiful day. Upon arrival in the city I go to MSK on 53rd and Lexington Av. to pick up my medication. After that, I ride down to 43rd St. and 5th Av. to see my sister. We hang out and have lunch together. I then decide to ride my bike downtown and take the E train back to Queens. If you know anything about bike riding in NYC you know that it can be dangerous! So while riding down 5th Av. in the bike lane a yellow cab decides to speed by me to make a left turn. It seemed like an okay move until the cab stops short in my path. Wow! If you know anything about track bikes you know that any real fix rider rides without a conventional brake. am the brake! To slow down a fix I use my toe clamps. To stop a fix quickly you have one of two options. You can either jump off or “skip” the bike. Skipping is a technique where you bounce the back wheel up and simultaneously stop the pedals from turning whereas creating a skid so to speak. Anyway, I didn’t have time for either so I quickly turned to the right and tried to avoid the cab. I almost made it but my left shoulder bumped into the cab which in turn put me in the path of another biker. We collided and since I was off balance already, I hit the ground. I thanked God for watching over me for it could’ve been a speeding vehicle that hit me! So after some brief curses at the cab driver, I dusted myself off and continued on my path. I felt no pain after the collision and didn’t worry.  I rode to the WTC and got on the E train to go home. When I exited the train I still had about another 10 miles to get home and I did that without incident. About 20 minutes after getting home the pain starts. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t get to sleep that night. Well, today makes one week since my mishap so I decided to give my bike a try. I was afraid that the pain would be too much but after a couple of minutes the knee felt good. I’d just like to thank God again for watching over me. Thirty years ago I would’ve played basketball the next day! But even though my mind doesn’t recognize the fact that I’m in my sixties, my body constantly reminds me! I feel pretty good now and hope to be back in the gym next week playing basketball. Peace and blessings!