

It’s amazing what you can accomplish with time! It’s also amazing what you can accomplish without it! This fact is a very important for those of us diagnosed with cancer! Before cancer (WOW!… seems like eons ago for me) time was never factored into my life. What I mean to say is that before being diagnosed, time was abundant and ignored. Before any inkling of disease entered into my realm, time was abused and wasted. Consideration of mortality was non-existent. This is what I call the immortality complex! Everybody takes life for granted. We all feel as if that day of reckoning is so far off, we don’t have to even think about it. Now for me, this is after cancer. Time has a different meaning to me now. Time is palpable. Time is finite. I can no longer ignore or  waste time. Each day is a blessing that I use to the fullest. Each and every breath I take is enjoyed and appreciated. Long term planning has been replaced with short. I know that my life is in His everlasting hands! I worry no more. My testimony is far from over. I love the way I live my life now. There are no more questions about the nature of my reality. It is cleat cut and concise. Believe this fact! Even though I am still battling for my life, being diagnosed with cancer has made me realize what’s important. Joy fills my life now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! Peace and blessings!