Today is the annual NYC Five Borough Bike-A-Thon. I’ve been back riding for a year now so I made up my mind to go. The last time I rode in this event was 1996 so I decided to look up the rules because back in those days it was just so much fun. After a few minutes of browsing the rules I changed my mind. Wow, what happened? Compared to how it was before, they’ve taken all the fun out of it. A group of us used to get together, take the subway to downtown and just jump in and start riding. Now, there’s no backpacks and no hydration packs, and you have to wear a helmet (I know, I know I should wear one). If you’re not registered you can’t ride. You have to wear your vest and have identification posted on your bike (license plates). It just seems too much for me. I guess you could just call me old fashioned. Then I started to recognize what has happened in America since 1996. Life in the here and now is so very different. We have our privacy at a point where there is none anymore. The 9/11 conspiracy alone has changed the face of our nation. There are cameras everywhere! And our leaders? It’s the position of the well informed not to trust them. To start wars and use lies to justify those wars. This is a country that was supposed to be for the people. What happened? Are we so afraid of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? We don’t trust anymore. We hate! What happened to love? We all have been deceived. We have a choice. Learn to love each other again. We are as different as can be and that should not matter. Have faith in your higher power. God is my comforter! Peace and blessings!
No Fun!
Posted on May 7, 2018 by Michael