
Something’s Wrong!

When it gets to the point where you have to  worry about seeing your children alive after a school day, something’s wrong! When you’re black in America and you worry about being alive after any interaction with police, something’s wrong! When a dirty detective in NYC is the cause of 13 innocent people wrongfully spending 245 years in jail, something’s wrong! (especially since he still receives a pension) When you have a sitting President that doesn’t know anything about politics or diplomacy, something’s wrong! When you have individuals in America that decide to go on killing sprees, something’s wrong! All you can do is shed a tear and pray! America is not the so-called greatest anymore. It has become a place where the people can’t even trust their own government. All that is left for us as citizens of this once great country is prayer! Too many killing sprees. This is something that should not be accepted as normal here, but it is! It’s a shame that so many children are dying in school! How is this possible? Why is this happening? Something’s intrinsically wrong here! This is not how life here in America should be. There is too much fear now.  Too many clear lines are now blurred. We have to do better. “Make America Great” is a great saying even though that’s all it is… a saying. When facing times like these we have to have faith! Stay prayerful please, it helps! Peace and blessings!