
Time Waits For No One!

What is time? From the ambiguous answer that  the dictionary gives it’s just man’s attempt to quantify or name something. You can spend time but you can’t get it back. They’re so many different ways to experience time. I asked Siri “what is time?” This is the unexpected answer she gave… “time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity! Wow, Siri! I never realized you were in the deep part of the pool! Anyway I felt that my previous blog, “Memories” was in essence dealing with what Siri said! Love! Once you truly love, that fetter will never break! This is what my life now consists of. Love! My heart is filled with love! My eyes perceive love! I am filled with love! The beauty I now perceive was always there right in front of my eyes! I just couldn’t see! I live a simple life. My lifestyle is simple. I love the things that I do. I play basketball. I ride my bicycle. I work out!(Fuzz) I write my blog. My level of joy in this crazy world is amazing! My life is changed, no doubt about it! But it changed forever for the greater good. My faith has given me peace! No matter where you are in life, learn to enjoy it! Tomorrow’s not guaranteed for anyone! When God is ready for you no matter whatever, you’re time is up! Peace and blessings!