I started this blog for self help. It is a way for me to deal with the repercussions and discombobulation from dealing with the monster we call “cancer”! When I sometimes reflect on my mindset before my diagnosis I can really see how different I am now. Things that used to bother me no longer touch! My life is serene and filled with nothing but peace and beauty. I perceive life different from before. I’m able to write my thoughts where people understand what I’m saying. (even though a dictionary is needed sometimes) Physically, I’m in the best shape of my adult life. But this not what today’s musings are about. This is about you! The subscribers to my blog! In a little over a year, 270 people have signed up to my blog! Since this is all new to me, I have no way to gauge this. I am extremely humbled by you guys! There are even a few of you that read me religiously! I look forward to your continued support and insightful comments! And on that note, there are a few that I’ve only met once, and these subscribers follow me like I’m a lifelong friend! (referring to you Dougie! love the Mustang!) Thanks from my heart! I never realized that my ruminations would help some people. My faith has grown exponentially since my diagnosis. I have learned how to be grateful for each minute of my life. Thank you Jesus! Peace and blessings!
Posted on October 1, 2018 by Michael