Well here I go again this year. Back in March it was the Jerry Springer Show and now it’s the NYC Halloween Day Parade down in the Village. I rode my bike down there from visiting my son in the Bronx. Wow! What a time I had! I didn’t really know where to position myself since it was my first time… but I had a pretty good view from the spot I chose. It’s like Mardi Gras in NY! The crowd was crazy fun and I took a lot of pics. After the fact I realized that I missed a perfect opportunity to promote myself since I am the “walkingdeadman!” But God willing, I’ll definitely know what to do next time!(like dress up like a zombie from the Walking Dead and hand out my business cards) Anyway, it was a wonderful experience and I intend to be back. My faith in God has kept me and will keep me! Peace and blessings!
Another One Off! (the bucket list)
Posted on November 2, 2018 by Michael