
Month: January 2019

Bend, Don’t Break!

there are those who believe that life is finite-but when you believe in God you know the infinite-while circumstances around me are in ultimate chaos-i am buoyed by the fact that i belong to Him-in this i am sure-throughout the […]


The so called greatest country on this planet has a serious problem. It is BROKEN! It’s been broken for a long time now but now people can see the pieces. And don’t get me wrong for Trump is a major […]

My Greatest and Staunchest Supporters!

My faith in my God goes without saying. But to my greatest and staunchest support comes from my sister, Denise Elaine Simien. I won’t forget to mention my son, Michael “Slim” Simien and my brother, Jonathan T. Simien! Many people […]

The Next Year!

This is my first post of the new year. I felt that with all the turmoil surrounding me at this point and time I had one thing to concentrate on… my health! But when it’s all said and done I […]