as infants and children we are formless-we are unbridled perceivers-cognitive dissonances cannot yet exist-at this young age we perceive so much more-we then are taught to conform-our true perceptions are muted-vibrations that we were able to perceive are lost-we are shut off from our true knowledge-put in a box so to speak-made to believe that certain things are required for success-in essence cancer has helped me to “stop the world”-i realized that success doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness-there are many”successful” people in the world that aren’t happy-never have i been happier in my current life-i don’t own a car-i don’t have a house-in fact my living situation is tumultuous at best-but i am happy always now-in spite of circumstances surrounding me-i know that feeling of bliss, contentment and peace-i recognize my mortality-therefore i have no other choice but to keep in faith-to know that God got my back-to truly enjoy the blessings of life-for life’s sake! Peace and blessings!
Posted on February 13, 2019 by Michael