
walking dead!

Basically, we are literally waiting for death. So this terminology is applicable. Damn! What a revelation! It’s not something that’s talked about daily but it’s reality! This is why each must make a decision. The decision to ignore the inevitable or to acknowledge it and live life according to its precepts. In other words, live each and every single day as if it is your last! No one knows at what time the reaper knocks! Instead of looking over one’s own shoulder forever, live your life. This way, each and every decision made is as if it’s your last battle on earth! There is power in living as such. Decisions made are precious and precise. There is no time for judgement. We are independent but connected. So who are we to judge? We must learn  to accept life as it comes. Be confident that just being is satisfying enough. The Creator takes care of the rest! Peace and blessings!