If I let my diagnosis dictate my existence… I have already lost the battle! So with utmost determination and unbending faith I travel my path. I chose the path of belief and faith rather then fear and self-loathing! And no matter whatever destiny the Creator has for my life, I will continue traveling with happiness and abandon! This is my path and how I perceive it. I am no expert! I have no reason or right to tell anyone how to live. This is how and what my perception of “beating cancer” is. Mine and mine alone. You have to find your own paths and perceptions to faith and belief. My path has not ended and my battle is far from over! So basically I have to get better at what I now do! What kind of faith do I have? This is how I learned what real faith is! No matter whatever the situations or circumstances that surrounded me, as long as I have breath in my body, I have a chance to turn things around. God enables miracles to happen. But I had to be active in my beliefs and my faith. So I ride. I play basketball. I work out. I eat different. I get a lot of sunshine. I drink a lot of water. And last but surely not least… I believe! The Creator cures cancer. It was up to me to keep that thought in the forefront of my awareness! It’s also up to you! Peace and blessings!
Where Faith Is!