Today I am 65! I thank God for getting me here! He has given me everything! As mostly all of my friends and family already know, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2015. I was told by my doctor to basically get my affairs in order! Well… I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines. Anyway, dazed and confused with tears in my eyes I walked back to my apartment. But something happened on that walk of about a mile. I remembered who I believe in! So even though I was afraid, I believed! To shorten this I just want to send out my thanks for all! Thanks for your birthday wishes and your prayers! I am now going in a direction I never dreamed. Writing was something I had no idea about. And now I have a blog about life with cancer for almost 3 years now. And with blogging, I found out about poetry! Now I am writing poetry! God is truly amazing ! So no matter whatever the doctors perception of your diagnosis remember who you believe in! It’s working for me!
Peace and blessings!
Posted on February 24, 2020 by Michael