
beauty is the bird…

watching eyes that don’t gauge 

the plumes ever with efficient beauty 

a caveat comes every morning 

picking the right color of sound prerequisite 

a dream state for dreamscapes

tears of a smile that never laugh 

whatever brings joy to my life!

no choice what path i take… 

it’s my perception 

while i travel that path!

so divergence is lost

and my self soars

and when the fire goes out 

where do i seek warmth?

it’s only a matter of distance!

all in all

nothing ever happens…

just because i cannot say hello 

never meant goodbye 

would be harder 

 i am comfortable 

with being uncomfortable 

until i am comfortable…

and even then,

i am uncomfortable 

being comfortable! 

so i am not content 

this way i stay humble! 

Peace and blessings!
