Dear Mr. Trump,
I can’t use the title of President because there is nothing presidential about you! I am a 65 year old man of color who happens to be diagnosed with two forms of cancer! The ACA or Obamacare is what I use to get my treatment. And for some reason (I truly believe that it’s because it has President Obama’s name on it!) you are trying to end a health program that helps so many like myself! But the really crazy thing about it is that you have NOTHING to replace it with! You have been promoting and promising the American people a great healthcare plan ever since you took office! Where is this magic program? Does it exist? Oh yeah and another thing Mr. Trump… WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC ASSHOLE! in which your administration has failed miserably! How can you actually believe that you have done such a fantastic job when there are so many families that have suffered losses? This country has the most coronavirus deaths in the world! Over 200,015! You even had a chance to change after you yourself got recklessly infected! But no… you are truly an asshole Mr. Trump! Out of the hospital you have the nerve to say that the flu is worse! Your stunts and ratings will disappear! You bankrupt everything you touch because you are just a lousy, broken down ex-game show host that ran for president to help you and your family out of debt! You never expected to win in 2016! America has become the laughingstock of the world because of such a small man! The lies and distortions will soon stop. Your time as the President Mr. Trump will go down in history as the America’s worst! The hatred and vitriol you spew will soon be over. You have divided this country in a way that will take a REAL PRESIDENCY to fix everything that you have broken! Once you are gone there will be respect in the White House again! No more pictures of you and beans or cheesesteaks on the Resolute Desk! No more disrespectful press conferences and nasty names will be called out by you! You will disappear into obscurity, with forever the name tag… WORSE PRESIDENT EVER! Remember Mr. Trump, you may have the title of President but there is NOTHING presidential about you! Vote Biden/Harris!
Peace and blessings!
thanks for nothing!!