
Month: March 2021

formerly formless…

as an infant and child i was formless i was an unbridled perceiver cognitive dissonances  did not yet exist at this young age  i perceived  so much more i was then taught to conform my true perceptions  were muted vibrations […]

never break…

there are those  who believe  that life is finite but when you believe  in God you know  the infinite while circumstances  around me are  in ultimate chaos i am buoyed  by the fact  that i belong to Him in this […]


most of my dreams are become nightmares  pangs of fear  run rampant  throughout my seemingly  longer nights  my oneness bear’s  upon me sometimes trying  mightily to wear down  my resolve  my faith  and eventually  my life! so what path  shall […]


the never ending  cycle of life  asked so much of love  but forever i remember  the pain that comes  with my longer years  the faces disappearing  one by one  as their ghosts burn deeply in my slumber  i long for […]