
formerly formless…

as an infant and child

i was formless

i was an unbridled perceiver

cognitive dissonances 

did not yet exist

at this young age 

i perceived 

so much more

i was then

taught to conform

my true perceptions 

were muted

vibrations that i 

was able to perceive 

were lost

i was shut off 

from my true knowledge

put in a box 

so to speak

made to believe 

that certain things 

are required 

for success

in essence 

cancer has 

helped me to 

stop the world!

i realize that 

success doesn’t necessarily 

equate to happiness 

i have never 

been happier 

in my current life

i don’t own a car

i don’t have a house

in fact my 

living situation is tumultuous

at best 

but i am happy 

always now

in spite of circumstances 

surrounding me

i know that 

feeling now of 

bliss and contentment

i recognize my mortality

therefore i have 

no other choice 

but to keep in faith

to know my form

to know that God 

has my back 

to truly enjoy 

the blessings of life

for life’s sake! 

Peace and blessings!