
Month: October 2021


I went to a Nets basketball game with my brother on Friday. Here’s another one off my bucket list! This was a long time coming for me. The last Net game I saw in person was when they were in […]

my haikus…

living life is like  being caught in the middle  of running rapids! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hearing the snow melt is one of those special things  that makes life worthwhile! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hey, forget your phone  you love it more than yourself  it’s time […]


when i don’t know  if the next sunrise  is my last  i make sure  not to miss any! i have no regrets  i made choices  i decided my direction  right or wrong  it’s who i am  when i don’t know  […]

the con-quest…

the con-quest… albeit constantly confirmed by my doctors, the implausibility of my situation continues to perplex, confuse and confound them! so consequently i conscientiously contend their diagnosis of me. not meaning to confront nor condescend, i am extremely confident in […]