
am still here!

Overall, my life has been pretty much okay so far this year. My sister and I moved in together which is cool because we get along. My living situation has finally settled down after almost 7 years and 10 different addresses! And, I am now in Newark, NJ! Damn… something I definitely need to get used to! I never thought that just moving across the Hudson would be so different from NYC, but it is! I haven’t been able to really judge Newark because of the weather. I have been mostly riding my bike inside on a stand until the weather breaks. I would be riding if I were still in the City but I got to get to know my way around. Plus I have  been observing how most bikers get no respect in the streets here! (right turn on red is always dangerous for a bike rider) My diagnosis is not on the forefront of my mind anymore. I know that I am still in this battle for my life (each new day starts this war again) but I don’t focus on it! I am in the process of self publishing my first book! It’s a book of poems about my faith and my journey! I didn’t choose this path. But I then realized that this path has given me joy. This path of mine has opened me up to the truth of the world! The infinite beauty that surrounds me daily! The peace I experience now is sublime. Cancer’s gift to me is really faith! Because without my faith in God (as for all interested, He has already healed me!) I would not be writing this now. Another gift is my poems! I’ve never realized I had poetry in me! I have never written a poem in my life! And now I have written over 100! I wouldn’t trade the life I live now for anything! It is what it is!

Peace and blessings!