
Month: February 2024

hold to your dream…

though nightmares assail  my slumber’s stream from the depths  of dreamtime’s gleam consistently  their presence teem scenes pervasive haunting keen echoes of my  own screams unseen each night in shadows’  flight unseen sunset’s beauty over horizon’s sheen yet the beauty […]

all i can say is “wow!”

another birthday… another year! and therefore another milestone! you see, if i had believed what the doctors were saying at the time of my first diagnosis, trust me… i’d be long gone! 6 to 11 months was all the time […]

echoes of revelation…

my inculcate nightmares are consistently ontic their miscellany fused together  therefore ineffable in daylight  at sunrise my dreams forfend all  and i suffer the neophilia  the nisus of perception  prospicient as i believe  anachronisms became my presence my ideal life  […]

how blessed we are…

the majority of us human beings wake up every day without a second thought of how amazing life is and how blessed we are! i know because i used to be one of them! that is, up until i was […]