

My eleventh Christmas! If I had believed my primary care doctor’s words back in 2015, I probably would’ve only seen maybe one or two Christmas seasons. Diagnosed with two stage-four cancers, I’ve defied the odds, and I ride my bicycle twenty miles every day that weather permits.

Why? There’s a method to my madness. I’ve convinced myself that this disease is constantly trying to catch up to me, to overtake me. So, with every mile I ride, I imagine putting more distance between myself and cancer. Of course, it’s just a psychological exercise—a game I play to strengthen my resolve.

But the real reason I continue to beat the odds is much simpler. My faith. My belief that God has already healed me is unshakable—immutable. That’s it in a nutshell. And it’s why, despite the havoc cancer can wreak in people’s lives, I’ve come to see it as an ironic gift.

This deadly disease opened my eyes to my mortality, but even more, it expanded my perception of the world. Never before in my life had I truly noticed the beauty that surrounds us daily. Now, I rise before sunrise just to make sure I never miss another. Each morning feels like a promise fulfilled, another chance to marvel at blessings we so often take for granted.

When you start to recognize the gifts that surround you—even in the smallest, most ordinary moments—you learn to appreciate life in ways you never thought possible. That’s the lesson cancer gave me.

So, no matter the diagnosis your doctors deliver, take it with a grain of salt. Their words aren’t the final say. Faith is. An unshakable, immutable faith can carry you through the darkest moments—reminding you that healing—whether of body, mind, or soul, is always within reach.

Peace and blessings!