
Category: Living life with cancer!

The Sweet Spot!

This terminology is used in just about every sport in the world. It refers to a place where you will get the optimum and best results no matter what. Whether it’s on the basketball court or baseball bat or hockey […]


Been down here deep in the heart of Louisiana since the end of September. Even though I was born in New Orleans, this is the longest time I’ve been here in my adult life. Life in the Deep South is […]


freedom never really existed in this land-each one’s strings are pulled by someone else’s hands-secrets among secrets abound- but you can’t hide cause big bro is everywhere around-“freeze, don’t move” has become an epithet-when will you realize there’s no one […]

new roads!

Yes, definitely a double entendre for I have been staying in New Roads, Louisiana for a couple of weeks now. I am in the process of a life changing stage. My family here is amazing and loving. I miss my […]

walking dead!

Basically, we are literally waiting for death. So this terminology is applicable. Damn! What a revelation! It’s not something that’s talked about daily but it’s reality! This is why each must make a decision. The decision to ignore the inevitable […]


the connections we have are infinite-why do we act like individuals then-on this small green and blue rock floating in a never ending black sea-we are not that special-we are not that important-we are small and petty creatures-we fight each […]


life affects everything the same-being human, no one’s to blame-live life fully and not as a game-so walk it truly and don’t come up lame-stop treating your path like a moth to a flame-happiness in life is everyday aim-nobody’s at […]


feeling the sun on your face when your eyes are closed-the little things in life we take for granted-these “little things” are most important-time is a word made to quantify the unquantifiable-there is no time-only memories of the past and […]

my summer daze!

crossed paths with love-it’s been a long time-each day was beautiful-and some sublime-she lifts me up-she makes me smile-remains of feelings-hadn’t had in awhile-six weeks of bliss-gently we kiss-like we both friends-from beginning of this-walking hand in hand-my life takes […]


the world is upside down-we communicate with our phone rather than each other-the capacity for touch is getting smaller-hate grows and grows-youth today are more confused than ever-each of us are connected-but we act as strangers-although we are heading to […]


as i float over the asphalt the wind hits my face with a vengeance-no noise registering except that brisk breeze-2am no traffic as I hit 25mph coming downtown-no brakes except my legs and wits about me-dangerous? yes!-i have no set […]


Haven’t posted anything lately. I’ve been busy this summer hanging out with my new friend, Julia. She is from Taipei. Since we met back in July, we’ve hardly missed a beat. And since she’s a tourist here we’ve been doing […]


looking up at the rising sun-where all life begins-you take time to recognize that majestic view-this is when you finally realize the truth-nothing but God! Peace and blessings!


for family that passed-this forever is true-they’re alive in our thoughts-so this we must do-remember the times they make you sad-remember the times they make you mad-remember the times you called them bad-but cherish all times they made you glad!-for […]