
Category: Living life with cancer!

Death of a Bicycle!

I was so excited about getting my new bike that I have to pay tribute to the old one. On May 5, 2017 after a 21 year hiatus from riding, my “Phoenix” arrived! I referred to it as my Phoenix […]


I am truly blessed! 1400 days ago I received the news from my primary care physician to start getting my affairs in order! Although he didn’t say the words exactly, I know how to read between the lines. Basically he […]

Luck?… no, Blessed!

We have to change the way we think. So many call themselves “lucky”. But in actuality what we really are is “blessed”. Luck is something that comes in gambling. A few times this week I sat inside the lobby of […]

the choice is yours!

the fear and self loathing of the final, simple realization… you are who they say you are!-so, i must become an inspiration to myself to spite myself-i must change the refrain for its become too obvious-the intrinsic value of life […]


i’m with myself and tell myself that i am always alone-i love myself and no other self can love this life i grew-that is except the One above who loves no’er what i do-chagrin encircled so i tell myself it’s […]

the world!

nobody knows the madness of this place!-some of us won’t see it until it’s too late-my rose colored glasses weren’t removed but shattered forever-there really is true beauty here-i’m blessed for being released from the shackles of ordinary life-to live […]


life is a serious thing but you can’t take life seriously-for when taking too seriously you’re not able see the beauty surrounding you-so take a stand and make efforts to smell the roses-the blessing which is life should never be […]


i can’t kill time so i have no time to waste-I don’t waste time for i have no time to kill-how can time heal all wounds when i’m still diagnosed with cancer-why is time so slow when young and now […]


at first a curse and visions of death-questions of how close the end really is-cancer leaves people breathless (literally)-your next steps are taken blindly-each decision is basically an educated guess-hey… WTF!? never had cancer before!-for me it is four years […]


This year will be my fourth diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer! I’ve learned so much since the beginning of this so-called malady. First and foremost, I don’t think I would even be here if it wasn’t for my faith […]

Life Impersonal!

A profound way for existence to have any sense of exceptionalism is to recognize the fact that life, for all intents and purposes, is without a doubt, impersonal! This statement has no bearing on any facet of religious beliefs and […]


as infants and children we are formless-we are unbridled perceivers-cognitive dissonances cannot yet exist-at this young age we perceive so much more-we then are taught to conform-our true perceptions are muted-vibrations that we were able to perceive are lost-we are […]