
Category: Living life with cancer!


It’s amazing what you can accomplish with time! It’s also amazing what you can accomplish without it! This fact is a very important for those of us diagnosed with cancer! Before cancer (WOW!… seems like eons ago for me) time was never factored […]


am still here waiting for season of Spring-for what we have now, what is this thing?-is this the weather that April brings?-i know i hear what birds do sing-they’re wondering too where is the Spring?-all in all it’s up to our […]


Last Friday was a breath of fresh air for everyone! Personally, I thought it was the weather breakthrough we’ve been looking for… well wishful thinking! I actually wore short sleeves for the first time this year. All in all I’m […]

No Matter, Whatever!

my fear is assailed by my hope no longer are my nightmares valid reasoning with life is a fallacy my heart doesn’t  experience hatred the strength of conviction has reinforced my soul who could judge me? only the Almighty can […]

A Beautiful Day!

I could not let this day pass without a good ride. This picture was taken for me by a guy I just met named Paul. He and his parents were sitting next to me at the fountain in Central Park. […]

Live or Love!

we live our lives we don’t love our lives-we treat ourselves without a care-we take life as if just a dare-we all do this so don’t despair-we live our lives we don’t love our lives-we feel that our lives progress-no […]


Something came across my mind that I have to share. Looking at the scope and magnitude of being diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer AND mantle cell lymphoma I realized this point. Cancer, albeit a known, so called death sentence has […]

My Changing Life!

life for me can no longer be the same-if i try to live it like before I will be knocking on death’s door-life for me no longer is a game-my trajectory in life is altered-i can no longer live life insane-in […]

My Anniversary!

I didn’t realize this but I have been blogging for a year now. I guess time does fly when you’re having fun! This one will be short. First and foremost is that I have to  thank God for enabling me to persevere […]


April 2, 2018… wow! Six inches of snow the day after Easter Sunday. And I thought the snow was over with! I did a little riding this weekend by taking a quick trip to Astoria (only 15 miles) I stayed […]

Just another day in my life!

Saturday, March 24, 2018. I jump on my fix and decide to ride to Manhattan. You know, sometimes I forget my age. I’ll act like I’m 43 instead of realizing I’m 63! I haven’t really done any riding this week […]

Season’s Change

The 1st day of Spring is near. Wow… it seems as if time is going by so fast! Me, personally, am excited for hopefully the weather will break soon. I’ve never experienced so many nor’easters in a row before. Anyway, […]