
Category: Living life with cancer!

What Happened to America?

Where is America? What happened to her? Call me old fashioned but I miss her! The America that I grew up in is no more. The people of my generation, the people of the sixties & seventies had a great time growing […]

What Cancer Has Done For Me!

I am not trying for humor here. This is something “serious as cancer” as the saying goes. My life has been turned upside down so to speak. Why? Because being diagnosed with something so life threatening, so deadly… damn, I’m screwed! Or […]

The World I Live In!

The beauty of this world is unparalleled! If we take the time to really look, we can find that beauty in just about everywhere we go. We, as human beings, tend to forget or not recognize the fact that we are […]

29 Months Later!

So here I am 29 months into my new life. It seems to me that lately I’ve been writing about everything except how I am. Well… here’s an update. Health wise, I’m doing great! My cardio I would say is back to almost […]

Justice? No. Just Us!

all over america we are shot by police-america has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prison population-justice? no, just us-the infrastructure of america we built-too many have died as our voices lilt-justice? no, just us!-we were […]

The Preponderance of Being!

Life and how we live it is most important when the realization of mortality is recognized. Isn’t that ironic? Therefore, just being is not enough. We travel through life with blinders on. Our nature is not wired to face what happens next! Most […]


you ever stop to think  about why we are here? that’s a helluva question  so please lend an ear are we here to argue? are we here to fuss? is this all we are? til we turn back to dust? […]


inhale a deep, sweet breath of warm summer air-feel the heat of a hot, sunlit noon on your closed eyelids-listen to the sound of waves breaking at your feet while you stand in the coolest wet sand-hear the sound of […]


just an average day for me-rode my fix to the city for therapy-my treatment-treatment for the disease that threatens my very existence!-a few hours and it’s over-an average day for me-now i ride-i go downtown-rush hour-weaving in and out-zipping through […]

Unbending Intent!

A great credo! You see, when facing the inevitably of the end of life, there are two choices that avail themselves to myself and others with similar so-called “incurable diseases.” I’ve stated this before in a previous blog. Morgan Freeman said […]


    i approach love like sailing alone on a vast ocean-looking-searching for her-the one to fill my sails-no matter how long or brief she is-i search-when finally found-i take off-the journey begins-she spins me-i’m at her whim-no-don’t let her-no-now […]


there you sit across from me-looking with eyes so thoughtfully-even though you only see-what you really want from me-we’re in a land that is to me-nothing that it appears to be-the president is out of touch-for common folk he has […]

Just An Observation!

I got an idea! How about having boxing matches instead of war! That way our children don’t have to die needlessly for political pride. Just imagine President Chump in the ring against Putin or Kim Jong-un. Wow! I know one […]