
Category: Living life with cancer!


no one  seems to notice… my solemnity  is pervasive  circumspection always  comes assiduously so i endure  my life’s no longer an open book  i cry without tears  and it pains me  no less  and i endure  but i require  purpose  […]

most grateful…

to say that i am grateful  is a litotes! each day when i awake  it is because of these  my prayers are that of faith  when i get on my knees  to live another day  is not always a breeze  […]

nice day for a ride!

On my way to doctors appointment yesterday! Rode from Freedom Tower (WTC!) to 74th & York Av and back! Nice day for a ride! My doctors are telling me my scans are looking excellent with no new cancer cells and […]


Had a doctors appointment today! My appointment is at 12:35pm on 74th & East River Dr! I got there at 12:30 pm. I go to check in and now my appointment is next Wednesday! I don’t stress out about anything […]


one of my favorite Bible verses is psalm 23! and what i’ve come to realize is  that i have actually been living in that valley for over seven years now! for me to just go on and say that “God is […]


petty conflicts no longer  assail my perception  for there is but one war that warrants  my attention! and as i battle  i’ve learned  the properties of water  and how to flow  as such! the paths of least  resistance is always  […]


my life is  now sisyphean anachronistic  as i may be  my life has changed into aphorisms  ataraxia pervades  my persona  my crown of thorns  aren’t rueful anymore  as my battery struggles  for constant energy  in my perpetual battle  i found […]

i’ll pass on the past…

my closed eyes slowly open my integration into infinity slowly approaches rapidly memories aggressively aggregate aggravating my only solace  what all of i have left  my presence in the present! thus my refusal of pathetic  attempts to attention of such!  […]


just about any man  can be a father  but only a few  are considered dad! there are fathers  that run away  fathers that will abuse  a dad loves all his  children  a dad will never  confuse sometimes father is a […]


long lost magic returns every night  where i soar my freedom unbound   i am limitless  but each morning  i come crashing down  just before awakening  to this stark reality  sometimes my mind  is too real  for my own sake  so […]

life goes on!

It’s been a quiet week. What I’ve realized since the weather has changed is that most drivers in Newark don’t have any respect or even knowledge of how to share the roads with bicycles! I mean… damn! It’s crazy dealing […]


You always hear about paradise right here on earth. And right now that is what I perceive! I always thought that this was impossible, or just from the people who wanted attention but I actually feel that there is a […]

i’m back!

Got distracted from blogging for a while! I was in the process of moving forward from a toxic living situation. Toxic in a sense of being stressful. And what with my diagnosis I don’t require any of! So I am […]

add will…

as my tears run not only for pain  but for the loneliness  that now lives  within my life  the constant sounds  of no other voice… no other voice  except my own living in my head  where i scream  extemporaneously  when […]