
Category: Living life with cancer!

I, Cancer!

(a cancer perspective!) This week for my segment I decided on a poem. I love this hot weather but sometimes it’s much too hot to ride during the day. free… knowledge of cancer  washed over me  like a tidal wave  […]


I, Cancer! (a cancer perspective) I am diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and mantle cell lymphoma! Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe, but it’s the disease that causes this. Being that this disease is deadly, I did not […]

I, Cancer!

(a cancer perspective) This week was beautiful for bike riding. I put an emphasis on seeing different things around the city. So I rode to Harlem just to see the exhibit of the Statue of Liberty laying down on the […]

I, Cancer!

(a cancer perspective!) On June 29 I will be diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer for 6 years! I don’t take my life for granted so I am so thankful to the God for giving me the strength to fight […]

I Haven’t Been Consistent!

I have been blogging sporadically this year and I intend to do more on a regular basis. I finally realize that some people out there could benefit from my positive thoughts and poetry! Since the New Year began I’ve concentrated […]


the things that we trust in are sometimes disgusting but life goes on and on you think that you’re clever so every endeavor you treat like it’s not your own ever blaming and pointing fingers and such never caring about […]

a current curse…

at first a curse and visions of death question of how close the end really is cancer leaves people literally breathless my next steps were taken blindly each decision is basically an educated guess hey… WTF! never had cancer before […]

formerly formless…

as an infant and child i was formless i was an unbridled perceiver cognitive dissonances  did not yet exist at this young age  i perceived  so much more i was then taught to conform my true perceptions  were muted vibrations […]

never break…

there are those  who believe  that life is finite but when you believe  in God you know  the infinite while circumstances  around me are  in ultimate chaos i am buoyed  by the fact  that i belong to Him in this […]


most of my dreams are become nightmares  pangs of fear  run rampant  throughout my seemingly  longer nights  my oneness bear’s  upon me sometimes trying  mightily to wear down  my resolve  my faith  and eventually  my life! so what path  shall […]


the never ending  cycle of life  asked so much of love  but forever i remember  the pain that comes  with my longer years  the faces disappearing  one by one  as their ghosts burn deeply in my slumber  i long for […]


my path is not an easy one  some nights i cry me to sleep  but there’s power in my tears for they lead to knowledge  hidden from the light  my heartbeat quickening  with presumed next breath  the feeling of fear […]

Thank you!

I would like to thank everyone for the heartfelt birthday wishes yesterday. I have learned many lessons in the last 6 years. Being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer has made me recognize the beauty that surrounds me… the blessings […]

summer’s time…

as i inhale  a deep breath  of summer air  the heat of  a hot sunlit  noon on my closed eyelids hearing the sounds  of waves breaking  at my feet  while standing in the cool wet sand  listening to seagulls  floating […]