
It's about living life with cancer!


history… the longer i live the more pain i endure? there i realize that’s not really the truth… for the longer i live means i’m just better at history! Peace and blessings!


i hate to turn melancholy! but sometimes when i see a crescent moon on the horizon  certain tears fill me up my mind stretched as rubber  bouncing to and fro  from endless summers of when my innocence was pure of […]


Today I am 65! I thank God for getting me here! He has given me everything! As mostly all of my friends and family already know, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2015. I was told by […]


although i hear words from my mouth- they form in my heart- so i try to figure- if they form in my heart- where in my world do my words start?- is it just me?- or maybe life is a […]

ramble on…

time to sweep the cobwebs out of the corners of my life!-drifting along the brisk pathways of my perception-never knowing when the proverbial “other shoe” is to drop!-the velvet rope is not being pulled aside for me yet!-so my path […]

a gentle embrace…

i am essentially a victim of my memories!-a shadow of a forgotten self!-time flies and i remember infinity-my recognition of angels is apparent!-time and tide run at hand in my mind!-what is left?-this is why i love life?-so a gentle […]

the determination of life!

the loneliness of this world is felt-no matter what the cards are dealt-we grow old and try retrieving-the young that was with true believing-that time of year when blessings be-the hopes and dreams of being free-allow the pangs of stress […]


a special one will cross your path-the tears dry up and then you laugh-for all the years you were alone-now life is happy no longer roam-some different places you’ll want to see-the lessons learned on how to be-no more fear […]

Remember Your Age!

This happened last Friday but I didn’t write anything about it. As you all know, I love bike riding. This was the one thing I missed most when I was in Louisiana. So, for a little over 2 months I […]

i never…

i never try to quantify the unquantifiable i never underestimate the power of having my heart with me i never mistake kindness for weakness kindness of heart reap untold benefits i never take gift of tomorrow for granted it might […]

somber eyes!

somber eyes with tears that flow want to leave but fear to goto live your life this pain abounds screams in brain makes vibrant sounds quiet times we had in youth in those days when we knew truth now with […]

What Kind of Faith Do You Have?

If I let my diagnosis dictate my existence… I have already lost the battle! So with utmost determination and unbending faith I travel my path. I chose the path of belief and faith rather then fear and self-loathing! And no […]


we each exist in this dimension-but there are others don’t forget to mention-there’s more to life so we need ascension-to live life freely is no new invention-small things in life we must pay attention-each true to faith without any exemption-live […]

The Sweet Spot!

This terminology is used in just about every sport in the world. It refers to a place where you will get the optimum and best results no matter what. Whether it’s on the basketball court or baseball bat or hockey […]