
It's about living life with cancer!


they’ve given me a label for all intents and purposes they now say i’m disabled-its not that i’m incapable i assure you that i am able-so i attempt to escape the bull and put all mine on the table-i love […]


Tomorrow is Feb. 15… two weeks since my close call. Besides a little soreness in my right knee, I am okay. Am back riding again despite the cold weather. My oncologist suggested that I have an x-ray taken just to be […]

Close Call!

So here it is February 1st and I decide to ride my bike to the city. I had intended to do a lot more riding this month for I only did around 65 miles in January. The weather is optimum […]

Sign of the Times!

One Satan plan is to confuse the world. The way things are going on in this day and age that plan seems to be working! Nowadays it’s difficult to believe anything that’s in the fake news. And when I say world, I mean that […]

Lost Battalion!

Wow… I don’t know what it is, but sometimes I amaze myself! I feel that every ball player that ever played anywhere in Queens knows about this place… Lost Batallion! I literally turned back the hands of time and played ball […]

Back in the Saddle!

Beautiful day today! Saturday, January 20, 2018. The weather of late has been either to snowy or too cold to ride, but I decided to take a real ride today. Since the sun is out and hardly any wind, this is […]

A New Year!

Well, here it is… another year! First and foremost on my mind is to thank God for carrying me another year of my journey! Faith is extremely important when it comes to healing! I cannot even begin to imagine where […]

What Happened to America? Pt.3

When life gets to the point when you don’t know who or what to believe, somethings wrong. America isn’t supposed to be this way. Remember America when she was fun and free? Now… I don’t know anymore. The prevailing winds say that […]

Where I Am!

So another year begins! Well… if you know anything about me, each day is a milestone. There are people diagnosed with cancer who suffer every day! I don’t consider myself lucky when it comes to this fact. I am blessed to experience […]

simply beautiful…

waking moments  and the chill felt  climbing out of  your cocoon of blankets… simply beautiful! the intricate smells  of breakfast  wafting in the air… simply beautiful! going outside  in winter’s cold so your breath freezes  upon your eyelids… simply beautiful! […]

Learn to Disconnect!

What I’m referring to is how anyone can make life so much easier for themselves by learning to disconnect from the nonsense of everyday life. This is easier said than done for we all were raised being judges, prosecutors and juries. If you take the […]

What Happened to America? Pt. 2

It has been said that the greatest deception perpetrated by Satan is to convince the world he does not exist. If you take time to really see what’s going on today, you will know that Satan exists. As I have previously […]