
It's about living life with cancer!


I could not let this day diminish without letting everyone know that 2 years ago today I got the news that changed my life forever. “Stage IV lung cancer” is not the diagnosis I expected. With that knowledge it felt […]

Joy In Life!

Applying oneself to experience joy each and every second of each and every day may sound like an absurdism but it’s not. Reducing the profound idea of life as just being an anachronism will make some believe that  all things […]

build faith…

so! you think it’s a game? we take life for play now hear what i’m saying we go around acting like our shit don’t stink! we trample on life without chance to think about how if it weren’t for Jesus […]

things we touch…

things we now touch have no permanence in essence what we now touch doesn’t belong to us things we now touch are just loaned to us we’re  all only here just for a minute so live life fully make sure […]


My life has changed dramatically over the last 2 years.  So much so that I’ve considered changing the name of my blog. I’m not 100% sure on the new name but it’s a work in progress. I can no longer […]

What’s Next?

Only God knows what’s next! We can prepare and save and plan all we want but “He” has the last word. So all anyone can really do is have faith. I’ve found faith to be one of the only things that […]


What a word. Thankfulness. Something that I have so much of nowadays. You see, when diagnosed with cancer each and every day becomes a blessing. I have no more bad days in my life. I can’t afford them. But hold […]

Some Call Me “Lucky!”

No longer does that word exist for me. You see, I’ve come to the realization that everything I’ve considered to be luck has been wrong. Once you’re diagnosed with cancer you start to think differently. Now I see and recognize […]


Something we all have the propensity for. Judgment is handed down from generation to generation. Think about it…how many of us could go through a day without any judgment whatsoever? We are taught to judge, it’s not inherent in us. […]