
It's about living life with cancer!

dawn’s embrace…

as i awaken each day beneath the shroud of night’s embrace i slip a whisper into the arms of dawn not out of mere fear but the enchantment of seizing that golden moment where life renews itself with every promise […]

the valley…

wow… this is amazing to me! eight years ago today! exactly eight years ago today i was definitively handed my so called death sentence!” my pc doctor looks at me… and with a sad voice says that line that everyone […]


first of all, happy fathers day to all the dads(biological or not!)out there! you see… this is one of the times when i gauge my own life! as far as my p.c. doctor was concerned back in 2015, i had […]


amorphous shadows always show  the texture of the innocent children playing no longer unconscious of the nature of man but our children don’t require just  thoughts and prayers from the powers that be  the fear for our future is palpable  the handwriting […]


wow… june already! the 29th of this month will make 8 years since my diagnosis of stage four lung cancer! my pc doctor suggested that i should “get my affairs in order!” what a jerk! i actually left his office […]

i thank Him…

i thank the Lord  each day i wake  i thank the Lord  i make mistakes i thank the Lord  for forgiveness of sin  i thank the Lord  for the love therein i thank the Lord  in Him i trust  i […]


march already! wow! the older i get the faster time gets! i remember the days of long ago when summer vacation from school used to seem like a year in itself! i guess it was because we packed so much […]

we don’t love our lives…

we treat ourselves  without a care we take on life  as just a dare we all do this so don’t despair we live our lives we just don’t care  we all feel that  our lives progress no worries for  this […]


because of my bike accident three weeks ago i have been mostly in the house! this is torture for me as i am always out and about on my bike. be that as it may, life goes on! i am […]

circling the drain…

although it may seem as a constant refrain my life not ever was  “circling the drain” living life with cancer  is sort of a strain putting pressure on me  to myself’s disdain  every day is a battle  so true peace […]

where i am…

the answer to cancer  is definitely not stress so to alleviate my anxiety  i will do my best  thought love was unconditional  i guess i was wrong  with unexpected events  comes the same old song  it’s all about me! and […]