
It's about living life with cancer!

add will…

as my tears run not only for pain  but for the loneliness  that now lives  within my life  the constant sounds  of no other voice… no other voice  except my own living in my head  where i scream  extemporaneously  when […]

a candid chat with cancer…

hey cancer…  got something  to tell you!  listen bruh! you got a lot  of nerve… who do you think  you are? spreading death all  over the world! damn! and on  top of that, you picking on  kids too? we all […]

am still here!

Overall, my life has been pretty much okay so far this year. My sister and I moved in together which is cool because we get along. My living situation has finally settled down after almost 7 years and 10 different […]

desperate measures…

each day i ride  each day i glide  am trying to make sense  so it’s time i bide in living this way  i had no choice  even when this started  i had no voice  as the tears kept  falling  and […]

another milestone…

Wow! 67 today! What’s ironic to me is that I just looked up the length of life for someone with a diagnosis like mine and found out that I was supposed have less than a year left! Damn! I don’t […]


Wow… 67 on Thursday! Statistics states that someone with a diagnosis such as mine(stage 4 lung cancer!) has 6 to 11.3 months left of life! Thanks to God, I am in my 7th year! #FAITHWORKSFORME!


The title is self sufficient. There is nothing else to say. Only, I do have something to say! You see, 7 years ago my life not only changed, but had to change! At first I was lost. The news from my primary care physician […]

dream of infinity…

i dream infinity  every other night  it brings me closer  to God’s guiding light  in this life i live  i have no doubt  it’s full of love  and my heart is stout  as my battle rages and my war goes […]


I went to a Nets basketball game with my brother on Friday. Here’s another one off my bucket list! This was a long time coming for me. The last Net game I saw in person was when they were in […]

my haikus…

living life is like  being caught in the middle  of running rapids! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hearing the snow melt is one of those special things  that makes life worthwhile! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hey, forget your phone  you love it more than yourself  it’s time […]


when i don’t know  if the next sunrise  is my last  i make sure  not to miss any! i have no regrets  i made choices  i decided my direction  right or wrong  it’s who i am  when i don’t know  […]

the con-quest…

the con-quest… albeit constantly confirmed by my doctors, the implausibility of my situation continues to perplex, confuse and confound them! so consequently i conscientiously contend their diagnosis of me. not meaning to confront nor condescend, i am extremely confident in […]


retrace the steps  of summers  past  back in a  time  with many  laughs  i close my  eyes  and reminisce  the faces  fade  of former  bliss  i wonder where  the time  went within my  mind  young thoughts  i vent  now all […]