
What Cancer Has Done For Me!

I am not trying for humor here. This is something “serious as cancer” as the saying goes. My life has been turned upside down so to speak. Why? Because being diagnosed with something so life threatening, so deadly… damn, I’m screwed! Or am I? You see, although when I was first diagnosed with cancer I almost went stark raving mad, now I see this situation from a different perspective. Believe it or not, cancer has inexorably given me a new and improved life. Strange, isn’t it? Whereas most people tend to have a different negative outlook from experience with cancer. My physical state at the ripe old age of 62 has even amazed me! I am now in the best shape of my life. Even though the weather has changed, I am still riding my fix. If cancer isn’t apparently a problem for me why should the cold? I am about to start playing indoor basketball again. As far as my blog is concerned, I’ve finally ran into that wall called “writers block”. I intend to put more time and effort into this endeavor. Cancer has taught me perseverance. It has made me take time to “smell the roses” so to speak. My life is filled with joy and happiness now. No matter what each new day brings, I face it with intense adoration of being alive! The unnecessary emotional turmoil that exists in the world today no longer is a factor in my life. So in essence cancer has set me free! Free to really live life! If someone told me years ago that cancer would improve life I would probably laugh in their face. But here I am, over two years now, living life like never before. I will not thank cancer for my transformation. The one to thank is God for giving me strength to keep going. My faith wavers not! Peace and blessings!