
Month: September 2018

Flashes of Infinity!

no matter the steadfastness of my resolve-i am only human-so don’t fault me when i act as such-each and every day begins my ongoing battle for life-when my eyes open the battle stands anew-something i’ve grown to know intimately-for over […]

The “Con” (cont)

My conquest of cancer is conducive to my considered control of said malady. It’s not as if I have to travel to the Congo to convey this and connive for cures. I won’t let my blood congeal as I work to conjure immaculate healing. That’s where God is […]

Rationalization of Life!

We are forever lying to ourselves about life. First and foremost, most tend not to take responsibility for their own situations in life. It’s always “he or she made me do this or that”! Or “it’s not my fault”! We feel that […]


unless one has an incurable disease or is terminally ill the reaper has no sting!-my reality has evolved into something different-some call me inimitable but I don’t see myself that way-although i accept that statement with alacrity-the world i now […]


some say that i am an enigma-i say that my life is not enigmatic-only my choices have changed-i now live life fervently-this is how and what i choose-we each have the propensity to enjoy life-but most of the time we get in […]


sometimes in life our paths are crossed-so quickly and indiscreet-the meeting so innocuous-a true friend yet to meet-the trust that’s born is nothing new-companionship tends to grow-now time has come for love renewed and life will start to show-affairs of […]


This is not just a random number. It’s the number of days since I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer! Wow! Isn’t God great? I am not bragging about a paltry 1173 days compared to the 23,212 days since […]


-drifting slowly but surely towards the crossroads of infinity!-my mind is steadfast in acrimonious assault-the reveries of thought continually blossom in my head-am i dreaming or is reality a dream?-something happened unexpected in my life-the pronouncement of the end put […]

Of Walking Dead!

-there are we who go by the sobriquet walking dead-for long ago some of us felt the same-so at first we hide in plain sight-among the myriad of everyday faces-blending in but with secrets-afraid to reveal that morsel of knowledge-the […]

Don’t Take Life For Granted!

That’s a simple phrase. “Don’t take life for granted!” Hey, but as we all know “that’s easier said than done!” Everybody has used those terms  from time to time during the course of their lives. Myself included. But now I […]

The Signs! (Holiday Post)

for the idol in the bay is standing lesser in state of grace-the powerful’s greed prevails the time so people are still asleep-pacify and sleight of mind are standardized beliefs-freedom in this day and age is no longer something sweet-we […]