
Of Walking Dead!

-there are we who go by the sobriquet walking dead-for long ago some of us felt the same-so at first we hide in plain sight-among the myriad of everyday faces-blending in but with secrets-afraid to reveal that morsel of knowledge-the knowledge which makes people look at us with abhorrent horror-the stares of pity that run amok-to the point we are ashamed of our own mortality-primarily dazed and confused-the actual feel and belief we are zombies-to be avoided and shunned-now we are filled with onerous enmity towards those looks of terror-so we press on-we implore life-we learn the game of life-we learn how to reach happiness in life-we learn how to live life!-we are not accidents-God did not give us cancer-the choices we made in our lives did!-now we have another choice-the choice of faith-the choice of belief-the choice to know that through Him we are healed! Peace and blessings!