
Rationalization of Life!

We are forever lying to ourselves about life. First and foremost, most tend not to take responsibility for their own situations in life. It’s always “he or she made me do this or that”! Or “it’s not my fault”! We feel that putting blame on the next person will exonerate us. Not cool! My diagnosis of stage IV lung cancer is something I’ve learned to accept. Primarily it was “boo hoo, why me?” But as time went by instead of giving blame to everyone and everything, I assumed responsibility for my life and where I am in it. We have to recognize the simple fact that no one is like a leaf at the mercy of the wind! Once you know this you’ll assume responsibility for your life. No matter who you are or where you are in life, you are there because of your own choices and decisions! Do not put the blame on the next person. Unless someone has a gun to your head you have to take responsibility for whatever life brings. I no longer see from a place of pity. Each and every person in the world are where they are because of their own choices in life. Accept and live life assiduously! Keep faith in the Almighty and take charge of your life! Peace and blessings!