It’s been 6 months now since my last treatment for stage 4 lung cancer. I am only being monitored now every 3 months. So I had my 2nd CT Scan on Wednesday. I was supposed to see my doctor today but with everything else going on she decided to give me a call. My scan is great enough for me to continue without any treatment! I just would like those who are dealing with cancer to know that God will heal you! No matter whatever you hear from the doctor, He has the final say! I have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer for almost 5 years now. I am 65 and extremely active! I rode my bike 25 miles to and from my Cat Scan appointment the other day. Now that the weather is getting better, I will be back in the park playing basketball! You must believe and have faith in God! It works for me and it will work for you! Peace and blessings! #GODCURESCANCER!